What is the Melbourne United Sport & Business Program?

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Melbourne United Media
The Melbourne United Sport & Business Program is a program facilitated through Melbourne United and the SEDA Group offering the opportunity to study a curriculum matched to your interests, complete a practical placement, assist in the running of various projects and participate in basketball specific high-performance activities - all designed to further develop your skills and experience.
Students can earn a dual diploma via the Melbourne United Sport & Business Program, which will develop their skills and knowledge across a variety of areas including project management, coaching, corporate sustainability, and marketing.
Based at Melbourne United’s home of Hoop City, Cheltenham, students will learn within an environment created by Melbourne’s premier professional basketball team, while gaining unparalleled access to the club’s team and staff.
Wanting to help create pathways into professional sport, Chief Commercial Officer David Moore spoke about why the program was created.
“We see education as something the club can play an important role in across a variety of fields,” he said.
“Whether this is within schools through our community programs, via our coaching academies or through this diploma program, we will always be seeking ways to deliver programs which share knowledge and benefit the broader community. This directly connects to our club values which is something that is present through all areas of the club.
“Secondly, the sports industry is a highly desired but often not well understood sector. Finding ways for students to get a deeper understanding of the different opportunities that exist and to gain some hands-on experience within that environment can be invaluable to their development, so opening up those doors is something we are committed to.”
These sentiments were expanded upon by Community and Customer Service Administrator Suzanne Jenkins, who herself entered the industry late following 30 years outside of sport.
“Part of what we hear from some students is that a lot just don’t realise the scope of everything that happens behind the scenes within a professional sports organisation,” she continued.
“Once they get into the course and see the wide range of ways they can enter the industry, it illuminates a lot of avenues for them to explore.
“The volunteering and placements they do throughout the program is paramount to them understanding not only where they want to go, but also what it takes to succeed in this environment.
“A lot of students really jump at the opportunity to learn from people within our club. The ability to speak to anyone from our CEO Nick Truelson all the way through the playing group and gameday staff is something that they may not be able to access without the program.”
With the possibility to open up so many new opportunities within the sporting industry and the ability to work with some of Australia’s most decorated and talented athletes, the Melbourne United Sport & Business Program is truly unique.
The upcoming Melbourne United Sports & Business Program Open Day & Info Session will be on:
Tuesday 22nd August
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Hoop City, Cheltenham
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/ye2a798r
Find out more about the program click here.
Melbourne United works in collaboration with SEDA Group RTO: 22503 on marketing and promotional services relating to the recruitment of prospective students for this program. SEDA Group RTO: 22503 is responsible for the training and assessment and the issuance of AQF certification documents. This program consists of SIS50321 Diploma of Sport and BSB50120 Diploma of Business. In 2023 this training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding for eligible students. Funding for subsequent year/s is subject to Government approval.